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Antibiotic resistance modulation
Ocotea odoriferaa
Almeida, Ray Silva de
Ribeiro Filho, Jaime
Freitas, Priscilla Ramos
Araújo, Ana Carolina Justino de
Santos, Eduardo Lourenço dos
Tintino, Saulo Relison
Moura, Talysson Felismino
Ferreira, Vitória Assunção
Ferreira, Beatriz Assunção
Fonseca, Victor Juno Alencar
Leite, Pedro Ivo Palacio
Silva, Ana Cristina Albuquerque da
Silva, Luiz Everson da
Amaral, Wanderlei do
Deschamps, Cícero
Siyadatpanah, Abolghasem
Wilairatana, Polrat
Coutinho, Henrique Douglas Melo
Tintino, Saulo Relison
Moura, Talysson Felismino
Ferreira, Vitória Assunção
Ferreira, Beatriz Assunção
Fonseca, Victor Juno Alencar
Leite, Pedro Ivo Palacio
Silva, Ana Cristina Albuquerque da
Silva, Luiz Everson da
Amaral, Wanderlei do
Deschamps, Cícero
Siyadatpanah, Abolghasem
Wilairatanah, Polrat
Coutinho, Henrique Douglas Melo
Ribeiro Filho, Jaime
Freitas, Priscilla Ramos
Araújo, Ana Carolina Justino de
Santos, Eduardo Lourenço dos
Tintino, Saulo Relison
Moura, Talysson Felismino
Ferreira, Vitória Assunção
Ferreira, Beatriz Assunção
Fonseca, Victor Juno Alencar
Leite, Pedro Ivo Palacio
Silva, Ana Cristina Albuquerque da
Silva, Luiz Everson da
Amaral, Wanderlei do
Deschamps, Cícero
Siyadatpanah, Abolghasem
Wilairatana, Polrat
Coutinho, Henrique Douglas Melo
Tintino, Saulo Relison
Moura, Talysson Felismino
Ferreira, Vitória Assunção
Ferreira, Beatriz Assunção
Fonseca, Victor Juno Alencar
Leite, Pedro Ivo Palacio
Silva, Ana Cristina Albuquerque da
Silva, Luiz Everson da
Amaral, Wanderlei do
Deschamps, Cícero
Siyadatpanah, Abolghasem
Wilairatanah, Polrat
Coutinho, Henrique Douglas Melo
"Múltipla ver em Notas"
Resumo em Inglês
In a recent study, our research group demonstrated that the essential oil of Ocotea odorifera (EOOO)and its major compound safrole potentiated the action fluoroquinolones, modulating bacterial resistancepossibly due to direct inhibition of efflux pumps. Thus, in the present study, we investigated whether thesetreatments could enhance the activity of gentamicin and erythromycin against multidrug-resistant (MDR)bacteria. The EOOO was extracted by hydrodistillation, and the phytochemical analysis was performed bygas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The antibiotic-enhancing effect of the EOOOand safrole against MDR strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa wasanalyzed by the broth microdilution method. The chemical analysis confirmed the presence of safrole as amajor component among the 16 compounds identified in the EOOO. Both the essential oil and the isolatedcompound showed clinically relevant antibacterial activities against S. aureus. Regarding the modulationof antibiotic resistance, the EOOO was found to enhance the activity of erythromycin against the strains ofP. aeruginosa and S. aureus, as well as improving the action of gentamicin against S. aureus. On the otherhand, safrole potentiated the activity of gentamicin against the S. aureus strain alone. It is concluded,therefore, that the EOOO and safrole can enhance the activity of macrolides and aminoglycosides, andas such are useful in the development of therapeutic tools to combat bacterial resistance against theseclasses of antibiotics.
Palavras-chave em inglês
Antibiotic resistance modulation
Ocotea odoriferaa
ALMEIDA, Ray Silva de et al. Enhancement of the antibiotic activity mediated by the essential oil of Ocotea odorifera (VELL) ROWHER and safrole association. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 2021.DOI
aLaboratório de Microbiologia e Biologia Molecular — LMBM, Universidade Regional do Cariri, Crato, CE, BrazilbGonçalo Moniz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (IGM-FIOCRUZ/BA), BrazilcCentro Universitário Christus — Unichristus, Fortaleza, CE, BrazildFaculdade Maurício de Nassau — UNINASSAU, Petrolina, PE, BrazilePost Graduate Programme in Sustainable Territorial Development, Federal University of Paraná — UFPR, Matinhos, BrazilfPost Graduate Programme in Agronomy, Federal University of Paraná — UFPR, Curitiba, BrazilgFerdows School of Paramedical and Health, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, IranhDepartment of Clinical Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, ThailandaItens relacionados
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